Sculpture cast in plaster, cement & other materials

I work in various sculptural mediums, from welded metal to concrete casting and ceramics. Many of my sculptures are created from or include found objects. Some are perhaps better described as assemblages and some are temporary and never intended for sale.

Sculpture dealing with the isloation during Coronavirus lockdown

Isolation sculpture

Found objects and materials, cement clay created from recycled cement

I used materials collected during walks before Covid and experimented with cement clay.

Sculpture dealing with the isloation during Coronavirus lockdown detail

Isolation sculpture detail

Mother Earth

Mother Earth is a culmination of my experiments with cement casting and crystal glazes. The blues and greens of the ceramic surface represents the colours seen in orbital satellite images of the Earth and the grey grout represents the scars of over population and pollution that is now very visible in space. The figure has feminine connotations with Mother Earth/Mother Nature and the prone position again symbolises the state of our planet - it is crying out for help!

Mother Earth - sculpture

Cement, hand-made ceramic skin

Victim or Aggressor?

I made this experimental sculpture as I tried to come to terms with the level of violence, drug and alcohol abuse I witnessed at first hand. For example, one of my old school mates, a very successful entrepreneur and a happy go lucky sort of bloke, hit bad times. Faced with the death of a close family member he turned to drink that quickly led to a ban for drinking and driving. It wasn't long before his business failed and despite support from friends and family he descended into a life of heavy drugs.The cocktail of drink drugs made him paranoid and very violent. He quickly exhausted his savings and turned to theft to fuel his needs and it wasn't long before he ended up in prison. About the same time, a fellow student of mine went out with friends for a night to celebrate his birthday.

Victim or Aggressor? - ModRoc, broken bottles, syringes and a knife

ModRoc, broken bottles, syringes and a knife

Ashley creating the sculpture

Ashley creating the sculpture

A Series of Walks

A walk in the woods is one in a series of eight cylindrical sculptures that together form a circular monument; a Twentieth Century monument to the environment. A reminder of how we are destroying this planet. For example, many different objects could be cast into a single sculpture and even when hidden 'inside' it was easy to carve back into the sculpture and reveal them: I was also able carve messages into it, similar to how people carve words and symbols into trees. On several 'trips', for example along a disused railway track, I found charred remains of cars and rubbish.

A walk in the park - constructed from found objects

A walk in the park

Found objects cast in surgical plaster

A walk in the woods - constructed from found objects

A walk in the woods

Found objects cast in surgical plaster

A walk through the field - constructed from found objects

A walk through the field

Rubbish collected after a short walk through a field

Other experimental work

Use these sculptures to experiment with ideas and/or process for larger finished works.

Night Out - imprints of fist and impregnated with glass

Night Out

Rubbish collected after a short walk through a field

Monk - cast in plaster


Modeled in clay and cast in cement

Terra - handmade tiles


Handmade tiles

Terra - handmade tiles

Ashley mixing plaster

How to purchase my work

© 2025 Ashley Baldwin-Smith

Designed and built by Ashley Baldwin-Smith