Artist Statement

I am a multi-disciplinary artist, using sculpture, found objects, photography, paint and digital media to highlight both environmental and cultural aspects of sustainability. Much of my work focuses on habits of the 'throwaway society' and how an addiction to instant gratification and consumerism is linked to global warming, extinction and pollution. This includes researching the human condition, how it relates to the lack of awareness and respect for others is not environmentally sustainable or conducive to building of healthy societies.

An important part of my methodology is to document my local environment through walks including, photographing and collecting materials and found objects. However, my practice is backed up by researching and collating theoretical, scientific and media articles and data relating to both environmental and cultural aspects of sustainability. This documenting and collecting, informs and inspires what medium and platform I choose to visualise a single or multiple part artwork. Recently, I have created and reinterpreted work for both the physical and virtual worlds and therefore, reach a much wider and varied audience.

How to purchase my work

© 2025 Ashley Baldwin-Smith

Designed and built by Ashley Baldwin-Smith